Algebra 1  Summer Work

Dear Student,

Welcome to Algebra 1! Algebra 1 is the branch of mathematics which uses letters and symbols to express relationships between quantities in terms of formulas, and equations. Algebraic symbolism and operations enter into nearly all branches of science, including the various subdivisions of mathematics.

Topics included are fundamental concepts of modern mathematics, positive and negative numbers, irrational numbers, and linear, quadratic and exponential equations and functions.

This summer math packet addresses the material that you were exposed to in previous math courses.

It serves two purposes:
1. It will allow you to remain mathematically fresh during the summer.
2. It will allow you to enter Algebra 1 prepared, and ready, with a review of previous mathematical concepts.

To receive credit, all work must be shown in the space provided for each question. This includes the multiple choice section. All work must be done in pencil, neat and organized.

In addition, use the answer sheet provided to document your answers.  

This WILL be graded and count towards the 1st marking period.

I hope that you have an enjoyable summer and return ready for Algebra 1!

Please click on the link below to print out your packet.

Algebra I Honors Summer Work Packet 2023